Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So you want to embark on Photography~

Let me first warn you that photography can become a very expensive hobby, especially if you're a perfectionist, the buy-buy-buy (BBB) syndrome is likely to hit ya :)

Sad to say, to really have control over your photos, you'd probably need to have a SLR or Digital SLR (dSLR) camera. Some of the high end prosumer cameras out there today do offer some controls similar to that of a SLR, but the lack of the ability to change lenses and direct intuitive controls over aperture and ISO really hurts in the long run. I'd suggest a dSLR (save on films + instant feedback), doesn't have to be a top-of-the-line model really, unless you've got the cash to spare~ Personally I'm using a Canon 40D, others may prefer Nikon or Sony. You could easily google up some reviews on the various brands and models. The important thing is the lenses available, and their quality. One thing good about Canon is their HUGE collection of lenses for almost every type of photography, add to the fact that Carl Zeiss recently started producing lenses for Canon too.

So here's your first homework: Go research on the various camera models and brands. I'd suggest limiting your options to Canon and Nikon. But its really up to you. The next entry shall talk about lenses. Don't buy your cameras until after the next entry at least! :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Welcome to my blog!

Sorry if its empty currently~ I'm currently in the middle of working out the framework for my blog and a rough content guide, which should probably take me a couple of days more. Hadn't really expected traffic :)

Anyway, what you should be expecting to see soon will be:

1. An introduction to photography (esp. for those who recently suddenly had this impulse to pick up a camera and learn how to take decent pictures with it)

2. An introduction or rather a FAQ on how photography works (exposure = aperture - shutter speed - iso). Don't worry if this sounds like gibberish to you right now. We'll get past that ^ ^

3. A more in depth look at how the various components of what makes up photography affect the final output. This would probably take up quite a few entries.

Along the way I'll be inserting snippets of problems or dilemmas I faced as I embarked on the same journey some time not too far back. And of course I'll also try to answer any questions posed by you guys.

Once the technical stuff are out of the way, this will probably turn into a record of my discoveries on this photographic journey, and a sort of guide for photography enthusiasts, with improvements along the way of course.

So till then, I hope you'll keep me bookmarked!
